Gone are the days when creating and supplying your customers with roofing estimates involved a handwritten document. When producing roofing estimates, you now need to be certain you are making use of the most effective modern technology. Your potential client wants to walk away with an accurate, clean, and detailed estimate that includes all of the various charges for equipment, materials for re-roofing or installation, goods, and labor that they can expect to pay.
When You Need a Detailed Overview, Templates Are Simply Ideal
Pre-programmed templates are ideal solutions to craft your estimates with detail. You can create your templates to reflect the exact goods and services that you provide to your customers, along with the flexibility of adding any last minute changes that may arise in order to meet client needs.
Templates Help You Increase Your Reaction Speed
Utilizing a template will ensure the roofing estimate gets into your clients’ hands faster. Why should you keep a potential client waiting for hours, or even days, while you draft up a new document from scratch? The convenience of a pre-planned template at your fingertips saves you both a great deal of time and trouble and allows you to get an estimate into a potential customer’s hands before your competition.
Using Templates Guarantees Organization and Detail
A template enables you to keep all of the necessary details in perfect order and create a well-organized document for your client. Why provide your client with a handwritten document filled with confusing alterations and marginal notes? With a template, you can simply input estimate information with less worry of missing important details.
Nearly all contractors agree that customers and home owners prefer to have a prior estimate of the repair details or re-roofing material cost before the project begins. It’s important to keep your customer well informed from proposal to project completion.
Templates Are Quick, Efficient, and Cost Effective to Create
JobFLEX understands how quick, efficient, and cost effective template estimates are for roofers and other contractors. While some roofers may take the time to manually assemble a quote and send along something handwritten, using an app like JobFLEX with standardized item descriptions, a professional layout, and saved contracts will allow you to turn around estimates quicker with a more professional appearance.
If you’re not already utilizing templates in your roofing estimates, it’s well worth your time to see just how our roofing estimating software works and have a look at a sample roofing quote we’ve already created with the JobFLEX app.