Right now is a busy time if you’re in the roofing business, and you may wish you had an extra set of hands as well as contractor estimating software. As with many parts of the selling process, there is debate in the roofing industry over what parts must be present in...
We know contractor estimating software is part of the equation to increase sales success, but are there some other pieces of the puzzle that could make your sales process more efficient and more successful? Whether your specialty is lawn care or insulation, the...
A new year is an opportunity for business owners to look both backwards and forwards, and consider any changes that could help in the year to come. If you run a lawn care or landscaping business that changes with the seasons, it can be a chance to implement new...
Each and every customer interaction and touch point is a sales opportunity. When a customer calls the shop and your office staff answers, it’s a sales opportunity. When service technicians are addressing maintenance or repair issues, it’s a sales opportunity. When an...
Sometimes, it’s the little things that count. Do you recall the last time you went grocery shopping? The checkout aisle was probably fully stocked with things like batteries, magazines, candy, and stain remover sticks. There’s a reason for that: the items are...
It is a well-known fact that customer retention is much more cost-effective than paying out the wazoo to acquire new customers but did you know that according to a study conducted by Harvard Business School, increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent increases...